Business Solutions
Featured Partner Products
Nectar helps companies start peer-to-peer recognition centered on core values. Employees receive points from shoutouts, milestones, and challenges which they can then redeem in Nectar's robust rewards catalog. This includes gift cards, an Amazon Business integration, donations, company swag, or customized options.
SHRM 401(k) Solutions by Raymond James is built for small businesses to take some of the burden of retirement planning off your shoulders, giving you more time to run your business. Whether it’s time to upgrade your existing plan or you are looking to start a new plan, we can help.
Take the guesswork out of state and federal labor law posting compliance with a labor law poster subscription. Each poster comes with an Update Service, for hassle-free, worry-free posting compliance.
Whether you need a single, real-time HR-reported compensation data report, or a more robust solution for a salary equity study, can help.
Create a custom handbook and stay compliant. Get notified of state/federal changes with updated workplace policies for your employee handbook.
Cutting-Edge Enterprise Solutions
Unlock your organization's full potential with human-centric, customizable solutions.
J-1 Visa Sponsorship
SHRM is an official sponsor for the J-1 Visa intern and trainee program. Let us handle the significant compliance responsibilities on your behalf.
Where HR & Business Do Business
Whatever your HR marketing objective, SHRM Media can get you there, with trusted products, programs and expertise that are dedicated to your success.
Sponsorship and Exhibitor Opportunities at SHRM Events
Position your brand alongside the leading expert on all things work through engaging sponsor and exhibitor experiences at one of our transformative conferences throughout the year.
SHRM Human Resources Vendor Directory
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